FEBRUARY 11, 2021

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy
-Martin Luther King Jr.-
A person’s true character comes to the forefront when faced with hardship and struggles. In this circumstance, it is determined whether a person is capable to stand the test of time and the behavior they will portray while doing so. Interestingly, it is at this point one could become aware of what makes or breaks them. In times of trouble, a person’s moral compass becomes evident based upon their behavior and the actions taken in such unfortunate situations.
I believe a person’s character is not tested and cannot be accurately measured in times where there is no challenge, but rather becomes more apparent in the face of adversity. Therefore, the occurrence of controversy is where a person’s true self can be revealed.
Great quote and very true. It's easy to talk about our values, beliefs, and what we would do if so and so happens. But when a crisis does happen and we have to react without thought, we react from who we truly are, and not from our mind made self image of who we want people to see us as.
Absolutely a wonderful perspective! I totally agree.
Well Said!! Only when we are Tested & Tried Our True Colors will be Displayed!! We cannot judge a Book by It's Cover. You will have to Read it to it's Content.
You got it! Thanks for stopping by